

小魚寄語:Jimi Marley用一年時間,參加了四場健美比賽。從第二名,全場冠軍,第一名再到拿到職業卡,她表示自己講這些傲人成績並不是在炫耀。她認為自己是為健美而生:「當你為某些事情而生時,事情似乎來得容易一些。」當然,榮譽越多壓力越大是必然的,她表示自己會誠惶誠恐,繼續努力下去。

走近百大冠軍第229期Jimi Marley(IFBB PRO):不要誤以為這是吹牛,不是的。有時候某些人就是更牛。是因為我比其他人更努力嗎?不一定。但有些事情是毋庸置疑的。Don" t mistake this for bragging- it isn"t. Sometimes it happens much quicker for some than it does for others.Is it because I work harder than everyone else? Not necessarily. but something I know for sure.

我為這項運動而生。當你為某些事情而生時,事情似乎來得容易一些。I was made for this sport. Things seem to come a little easier when you were made for something.

我所謂的容易不是指投機取巧,我真的很喜歡這個過程。在我舉重的兩年裡,我沒有離開健身房超過3天過。and I don"t mean easier in a way that I work less and wait for opportunities to surface. I actually love the process.I haven" t taken time away from the gym for longer than 3 days in the 2 years that I" ve been lifting.

我不需要休息。我傾聽我的身體,在需要的時候放鬆。出現問題我調整。即使失敗就在眼前,我也要付出110%的努力。I don "t need breaks. I listen to my body and let up when I need to. I adjust when things aren"t working. I give 110% even when I feel like giving up.

當然,我也磕磕絆絆以及缺乏奉獻精神,但我和大多數人的區別在於,這些失憶並不能決定我。我不會因此而好幾個月討厭健身房。Sure, I"ve stumbled and I"ve lacked dedication but the difference between me and most is that these slip ups didn"t define me. They didn "t turn into months of hating the gym.

我不會因此放棄節食,所以我可以享受生活。我學會了享受生活,同時更接近了我的夢想。They didn"t force me to give up on dieting completely so I could enjoy life. I learned to enjoy life while inching closer to my dream.

我完全信任我的教練,我的丈夫支撐著我,我氣餒的時候我會強迫自己。我得到了回報。這是值得的。I have trusted my coach to the fullest, I have used my husband as a crutch, I have forced myself to show up when I didn" t want to. It paid off. It became worth it.

這段經歷讓我誠惶誠恐。我會繼續努力。我為自己的永不言棄表示敬佩。我可以,我快樂。I am incredibly humbled by this experience. I am taking this success and sprinting with it. I have so much respect for those who keep showing up- no matter how long it takes them.Feeling blessed that mine came exactly when I wanted it to.
