

烏克蘭攝影師Taras Bychko:我記錄了我家人的生活。我想製作這樣的照片將有助於我的孩子們記住他們的童年,他們是什麽以及他們如何度過他們的時間。這是一種“時間日記”,僅限於我們住所的空間。作為攝影師,我們公寓的有限空間成為我的新挑戰。看起來如此:你能在這樣的常規條件下拍攝什麽?但是公寓本身就成了這個系列所有照片的裝飾品。當然,孩子們大部分時間都呆在家裡,我必須觀察和記錄所有的東西,在我看來,這些東西對他們來說是令人興奮和有趣的。

Ukraine Photographer Taras Bychko:I document the life of my family. I want to make such pictures, which help in the future to my children remember their childhood, what they were and how they spent their time. This is a kind of “diary of time” that is limited to the space of our dwelling. The limited space of our apartment becomes a new challenge for me as a photographer. It would seem like: what you can shot in such routine conditions? But the apartment itself becomes a kind of decorations for all the photos of this series. Of course, Kids spend much of their time at home, and I have to watch and record all the things that, in my opinion, will be exciting and interesting for them.

