


The Book of Imaginary Beings

博爾赫斯和瑪格麗特·格雷羅 合著




金銀鳥阿里坎托 By Christian Olivares



卡喬納 Calchona Via youtube

Pancho Marambio Sotelo導演作品


窮穹 Chonchon By Arsenicko





via issuu.com/stephanz/docs/neotropica_2


花勒賓HuallepénBy rivliex


The Strong Toad 金剛蟾蜍 Via abookofcreatures.com









—Reading and Rereading—

Fauna of Chile

Translated by

Norman Thomas di Giovanni

Our chief authority on animals incubated by the Chilean imagination is Julio Vicuna Cifuentes, whoseMythsandSuperstitionscollects a number of legends drawn from oral tradition. All of the following extracts but one are taken from this work.The Calchonais recorded in Zorobabel Rodriguez'Dictionary of Chileanisms, published in Santiago de Chile in 1875.

TheAlicantois a nocturnal bird that seeks its food in veins of gold and silver. The variety that feeds on gold may be identified by the golden light that gleams from its wings when it runs with them open (for it cannot fly); the silver-feeding Alicanto is known, as one might expect, by a silvery light.

The fact that the bird is flightless is not due to its wings, which are perfectly normal, but to the heavy metallic meals that weigh down its crop. When hungry it runs swiftly; when gorged it is hardly able to crawl.

Prospectors or mining engineers believe their fortune is made if they are lucky enough to have an Alicanto for a guide, since the bird may lead them to the discovery of hidden ore. Nevertheless, the prospector should be very careful, for, if the bird suspects it is being followed, it dims its light and slips away in the dark. It may also suddenly change its path and draw its pursuers toward a chasm.

TheCalchonais a kind of Newfoundland dog woollier than an unshorn ram and more bearded than a billy goat. White in colour, it chooses dark nights to appear before mountain travelers, snatching their lunch baskets from them and muttering sullen threats; it also scares horses, hunts down outlaws, and works all sorts of evil.

TheChonchónhas the shape of a human head; its ears, which are extremely large, serve as wings for its flight on moonless nights.Chonchónes are supposed to be endowed with all the powers of wizards. They are dangerous when molested, and many fables are told about them.

There are several ways to bring these flying creatures down when they pass overhead intoning their ominous tue, tue tue, the only sign that betrays their presence, since they are invisible to anyone not a wizard. The following are judiciously advised: to recite or sing a prayer known only to a few who stubbornly refuse to divulge it; to chant a certain twelve words twice over; to mark a Solomon’s seal on the ground; and lastly, to spread open a waistcoat and lay it out in a specified way. The Chonchón falls, flapping its wings furiously, and cannot lift itself again no matter how hard it tries until another Chonchon comes to its aid. Generally, the incident does not conclude here, for sooner or later the Chonchon wreaks its vengeance on whomever has mocked at it.

Creditable witnesses have told the following story. In a house in Limache where visitors had gathered one night, the disorderly cries of a Chonchon were suddenly heard outside. Someone made the sign of Solomon’s seal, and a heavy object fell into the backyard; it was a large bird the size of turkey and had a head with red wattles. They cut the head off, gave it to a dog, and threw the body up on the roof. At once they heard a deafening uproar of Chonchones, at the same time noting that the dog’s belly had swollen as though the animal had gulped down the head of a person. The next morning they searched in vain for the Chonchon’s body; it had disappeared from the roof. Somewhat later the town gravedigger reported that on that same day several unknown persons had come to bury a body which, when they had gone away, he found to be headless.

TheHideis an octopus that lives in the sea and has the dimensions and appearance of a cowhide stretched out flat. Its edges are furnished with numberless eyes, and, in that part which seems to be its head, it has four more eyes of a larger size. Whenever persons or animals enter the water, the Hide rises to the surface and engulfs them with an irresistible force, devouring them in a matter of moments.

TheHuallepénis an amphibious animal that is fierce, powerful, and shy; under three feet tall, it has a calf’s head and sheep’s body. On the spur of the moment it mounts sheep and cows, fathering in them offspring of the same species as the mother but which can be spotted by their twisted hooves and sometimes by their twisted muzzles. A pregnant woman who sees a Huallepen, or hears its bellow, or who dreams of it three nights in a row, gives birth to a deformed child. The same happens if she sees an animal begotten by the Huallepen.

TheStrong Toadis an imaginary animal different from other toads in that its back is covered with a shell like that of a turtle. This Toad glows in the dark: like a firefly and is so tough that the only way to kill it is to reduce it to ashes. It owes its name to the great power of its stare, which it uses to attract or repel whatever is in its range.


By Felipe Veloso,智利

