
星陣圍棋中英文官方介紹 下優勢下不退讓的圍棋


  星陣圍棋是深客科技有限公司開發的圍棋人工智能程式,旨在探索人工智能前沿技術,打造一流算法團隊。星陣圍棋學習和借鑒了AlphaGo的基本架構,並在特徵體系、模型結構、MCTS算法架構等方面有所創新,力爭用更 少的計算資源和更少的訓練樣本完成模型學習,趕超人工智能圍棋的最高水準。星陣力圖下出更容易讓人理解和學習的圍棋,下出優勢下不退讓的圍棋。它可以進行任意棋盤路數的對局,也可以進行任意貼目數的對局。星陣圍棋的前身是清華大學神算子,曾在比賽中戰勝世界冠軍孔傑九段。

  Golaxy, while adopting AlphaGo‘s basic architecture, has brought innovations into feature combination, model structure, and MCTS calculation methods。 It manages to complete model training with less computing resources or training samples, yet with the potential to achieve the highest possible Go level by AI。

  Golaxy tries to play Go in a style that is easier for human players to understand and to learn。 It can play Go on boards of all sizes and all komi settings。 Golaxy will not concede even when leading。
