
開卷有益|腸胃裡的「朋友」— 益生菌

腸胃裡的「朋友」— 益生菌

Your gut friend – probiotics


Probiotics are general designation of beneficial microorganisms in animals and humans. They play an important role in maintaining the balance of human microbial system.


The gastrointestinal tract is the main site of probiotics; In addition, the oral cavity, nasal cavity, esophagus, chest and other parts of the life of a large number of probiotics. Probiotics inhibit the accumulation of putrid substances in the gut, maintain intestinal health and produce lactic acid, which promotes digestion and absorption. At the same time, probiotics also act on the immune system directly, promote the activity of immune cells, inhibit the growth of pathological cells, and enhance the body resistance.

優酪乳,乳酪,包菜,醃菜等日常生活中常見的食物中都含有豐富的益生菌。隨著科技的發展,如今人們可以通過服用口服液,粉劑, 藥片等, 隨時補充高純度的益生菌。

Yogurt, cheese, pickles, and other common foods in daily life are rich in probiotics. With the development of science and technology, people can take oral liquid, powder, tablets, etc, to supplement high purity probiotics at any time.


With further advancement in technology, probiotics usage is likely to extend beyond the current realms of gut, dental, and immune health to several other areas of human health.

Miss Qiuer原創



