


作者 | Frank Wilczek (麻省理工學院教授、2004年諾貝爾獎得主)

翻譯 | 梁丁當、胡風


Skeptics worry about the future of the field, but opportunities for new discoveries abound.


“Physicists, bewitched by mathematical beauty, are failing to solve new problems.” “High-class physicists no longer care about physical reality—nor should they.” “Science is over.”

這幾句話簡要但還算準確地概括了近期出版的幾本新書的內容,它們分別是:薩比娜·霍森菲爾德(Sabine Hossenfelder)的《迷失在數學裡》(Lost in Math)、理查德·達維德(Richard Dawid)的《弦論與科學方法》(String Theory and the Scientific Method)以及約翰·霍根(John Horgan)的《科學的盡頭》(The End of Science)。我常被問起如何評論這些書及書中的悲觀論調。對理論物理學家來說,這樣的言論是一種指責,言下之意是今天的物理學把自己逼進了死胡同。

Those are simplified but not entirely misleading summaries of recent books by Sabine Hossenfelder (“Lost in Math”), Richard Dawid (“String Theory and the Scientific Method”) and John Horgan (“The End of Science”), respectively. I get asked about these books and their dismal messages frequently. For theoretical physicists they are a kind of reproach, since they argue that today’s physics has gotten itself into a dead-end.


But they disagree in their descriptions of the problem. Ms. Hossenfelder argues that physicists need to pay more attention to reality, Mr. Dawid that they can safely ignore it. Mr. Horgan, meanwhile, thinks that physicists’ time is past and they should do something else instead. What’s going on here?


Opinions may differ about the current health of physics, but no reasonable person can dispute that it has been a hugely successful enterprise. Without revolutionary 20th-century breakthroughs in quantum physics and relativity, modern technology—including transistors, lasers, GPS, nuclear power and much more—would be literally unthinkable.


In the latter part of the 20th century our theoretical understanding reached a very high plateau. The so-called Standard Model offers complete and well-tested equations for the behavior of ordinary matter under ordinary conditions (allowing a very generous interpretation of the word “ordinary”).


The theoretical framework of the Standard Model was in place by the 1970s. This body of understanding predicted and enabled spectacular new discoveries and observations, notably including the Higgs boson and gravitational waves. It is a pinnacle of human achievement.


But this grand success is bittersweet. In earlier times, research that added to or changed the theoretical foundations of physics also had practical uses and benefits. Today, however, discoveries in fundamental physics are unlikely to have a significant impact in engineering, chemistry or biology, precisely because we already have well-tested foundations that seem more than adequate for those applications. The physical principles that empower 21st-century technologies were all known by the 1950s.


When you have reached a high plateau, ascending still higher gets more difficult. Yet glorious opportunities remain. We can apply our existing physical knowledge to make ingenious and useful things, like computers that leverage the richness of the quantum world to store and manipulate information more effectively. And important theoretical questions remain to be answered. For instance, we still haven’t got a clear picture of what most of the universe, measured by mass, is made of.

我的英雄理查德·費曼(Richard Feynman)曾開玩笑地說:“愛因斯坦是個巨人。他的頭雖然在雲裡,腳卻踩在地上。而我們這些個子不高的人則必須做出一個選擇!”可我認為今天的我們不需要選擇,因為我們已經站在了百尺竿頭。事實上,當今的物理學可以說尤為激動人心:我們正嘗試著利用對“普通”物質的理解來製造機器助手——比如計算機、傳感器和無人機,它們增強了我們的思維能力,幫助我們完成各種任務,還可以讓我們全方位地勘察周圍的世界。

My hero Richard Feynman joked that “Einstein was a giant: His head was in the clouds, but his feet were on the ground. Those of us who are not so tall have to choose!” But I think this is a false choice. Really, the plateau we’ve reached is a good place to be. In fact, physics is especially exciting these days, because we’re learning how to use our understanding of “ordinary” matter to make machine assistants—computers, sensors and drones—that will amplify our thoughts, do useful things and go reconnoitering in all directions.


Frank Wilczek:弗蘭克·維爾切克是麻省理工學院物理學教授、量子色動力學的奠基人之一。因在誇克粒子理論(強作用)方面所取得的成就,他在2004年獲得了諾貝爾物理學獎。


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