




(圖via IC)



小編發現,在Facebook (臉書)台灣網友發起組建的“陸劇討論社”裡,每天都有關於《知否》劇情角色的各種討論,觀劇進度與大陸同步。而文章開頭那句話,就是由台灣網友發於facebook的,關於昨天的最新劇情,並在推文最後自封“知否推廣委員會——齊衡分部”,號召大家“一同來喊 元若哥哥”


Chinese mainland drama Story of Yanxi Palace had been played 10 billion times in the Chinese mainland and nearly 47 million times in Taiwan by August 25, 2018.



According to a report from Taiwan newspaper Want Daily, "Chinese mainland dramas, especially period series, have always had a fixed audience in Taiwan among seniors."



However, with the broadcast in Taiwan of the period drama Empresses in the Palace in 2015, the number of young viewers began to grow dramatically. Over the following years, dramas such as Eternal Love (2017) and The Advisors Alliance (2017), which are popular in the mainland, have also gained a strong fan base in Taiwan.

但該媒體同時又提到,從2015年《后宮?甄嬛傳》在台播出開始,台灣的大陸劇觀眾群始擴大,年齡也越來越年輕。此後《三生三世》 《軍師聯盟》等劇“都成為台灣年輕網友瘋狂追劇目標。”


一位叫Lisa Chao、來自高雄的80後小姐姐說,她還記得90年代,還是孩子的她經常跟奶奶一起看《宰相劉羅鍋》。現在,陸劇和歐美劇、韓劇在台灣都有各自的市場,不過相對來說陸劇中古裝劇比時裝劇更受歡迎些。

來自新北市的Mao Hsuan 小姐姐表示自己就是大陸仙俠劇的硬核粉,而《香蜜沉沉燼如霜》是她最喜歡的一部。自己對劇裡的半文言台詞也是“喜歡得不得了”。

Mao Hsuan, a 30-year-old from New Taipei City in Taiwan, is a huge fan of Chinese mainland TV dramas. On Facebook she shares photos of her newly-bought hairpin, merchandise from the 2018 show The Ashes of Love, and she also owns a dragon gown modeled after the one Chinese mainland actress Fan Bingbing wore to the Cannes film festival in 2010.




Mao noted that the costume and makeup in these hit dramas have also influenced fashion in Taiwan.

"Morandi gray, which is a major color in Story of Yanxi Palace, is still a fashion trend [in Taiwan]," Mao said. "From nail color to everyday wear and wedding photos, people love that style."



(圖via Vogue)

Kelly Lee 來自台北市,目前在英國工作,但這並不妨礙她感受到陸劇在台灣的風靡。

"The first [mainland drama] I watched was Empresses in the Palace, because it aired on Taiwan TV and my family and I could watch it together during our leisure time," Lee said, adding that at the time she was still mainly watching shows from the US, Europe and South Korea.

"In recent years, however, because all the social media platforms are talking about mainland TV dramas, I watch more mainland shows like [modern drama] Here to Heart (2018) and Story of Yanxi Palace."







In an interview with entertainment site dwnews.cn, Taiwan scriptwriter and TV drama director Huang Chih-Hsiang said that besides improving production quality, Chinese mainland TV drama makers have been learning storytelling methods from Hollywood for more than 10 years now, which has contributed to their popularity.


"Chinese mainland TV dramas are now good at setting 'watching points,'" he said. "Every four minutes has one 'watching point,' which is a hook that keeps audiences following the story. It can be a big climax or a small clash or something that ignites unconscious emotional sympathy in the viewer."




The Want Daily article noted that since audiences on both sides of the Taiwan Straits speak the same language, there are no language barriers when it comes to watching dramas. Additionally, since today's young people in Taiwan and the mainland have increasingly similar interests and hobbies, this is causing audience tastes to mingle in both regions.

Accessibility is also a factor. With the rise of internet streaming platforms, it is now more convenient than ever for netizens in Taiwan to view mainland programs.




Huang added that people working in the creative industry, including actors, directors, scriptwriters or makeup artists, they all want their works to be appreciated by more people.

"People from Taiwan can improve themselves in the mainland and bring what they have learned back to their hometown. At the same time, they bring creative ideas to the mainland," he said.

"Through such mutual communication, the two sides… no longer view each other as an outsider, which is better for the development of the TV and film industry in the long run."




