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Playoff is a whole different beast than the games we were watching.It’s like fire that tests the genuine gold.Only a few players can past thisruthlesstest and become real superstars. There we’re numerous highlights in the history of NBA playoff. But In the past ten years, there was a tale, so mysterious, glamorous and unimaginable, discussed by people across the world, but still remain unveiled. It’s the tale of playoff James.


ruthless[ˈruːθləs] adj. 無情的、冷酷的、殘酷的

例:Don't be taken in by his charm—he's ruthless. 不要被他那迷人的風度所蒙蔽,其實他冷酷無情

glamorous [ˈɡlæmərəs] adj. 迷人的,富有魅力的

同義詞:charming, enchanting, attractive, fascinating

例:To an outsider it may appear to be a glamorous job. 在外面的人看來,這似乎是一件令人嚮往的工作。


Hail, king James.

The blood of robes has set the your armouraglow.

But which one in the East dare to challenge your glorious realm.

For all the world to see this man rush into the war likeMegatron.

Then they will know that talent is given but greatness is earned.


Megatron [ˈmeɡətrɒn] n. 威震天

拓展:擎天柱 optimus prime 大黃蜂 bumblebee

aglow [əˈɡloʊ] adj. 通紅的;暖色調的,發(柔和的)光的;發紅光的


NO.1 屠龍勇士 Dragonslayer

There were so many tragedies and merciless moments in NBA playoff stages. To players, they were scars that weigh on the mind. Chris Paul only scored 4 points in the 58 points lose to Nuggets. Russell Westbrook and his Thunder has experienced the first-round exit for threeconsecutiveyears. And don’t forget our “best team of bubble”— Phoenix Suns, last time we saw them played in NBA playoffs can backdate to 10 years ago.


consecutive [kənˈsekjətɪv] adj. 連貫的;連續不斷的

But to be honest, New Orleans, Oklahoma or Phoenix, they all live in the Wild West.But when describing our feelings, upon seeing the East, as monotonous would be an understatement.The team with LeBron James had broke through the East for eight consecutive years.It’s noexaggerationto say that you can ensure the championship of East when you get LeBron.And among all the teams that were defeated by LeBron in the past 10 years, Toronto Raptors must be the most miserable one.


exaggeration [ɪɡˌzædʒəˈreɪʃn] n. 誇張;誇大之詞

拓展:It's no exaggeration to say that..... 毫不誇張的說






NO.2 死亡之瞳 Eyes of Hell

In the past 14 years of James’ playoffs, the biggest enemy in the East must be Boston Celtics led by the Big Three—Paul Pierce, Kevin Garnett and Rey Allen.The Green had sent James and his Cavaliers home twice, which indirectly led to James’ Decision I.



In the Eastern Conference Finals of the 11-12 season, this green giant tried to block James and his Heat team again. The Heat even had a 2-0 lead before losing the next three games in a row. Game 6, hosted in TD Garden, was one of the most critical games in James’ career. He had been burdenedwith so muchridicule, abuse and misunderstandings.If he lost, the Big Three of Miami Heat would become the biggest joke in the NBA history, and James would no longer be called king but a coward nailed inthe pillar of shame.


burden [ˈbɜːrdn] n. 負擔;責任;船的載貨量 vt. 使負擔;煩擾

the pillar of shame冤罪殺機柱

ridicule [ˈrɪdɪkjuːl] n. 嘲笑,奚落 v. 嘲笑,奚落

例:His ideas were held up to ridicule. 他的想法被當成了笑料


There was no celebration, no expression, no even a piece of words.All we saw was a pair of eyesfraughtwith flame and sense of death.The audiences inTD Gardenseemed to have aflashbackto the night 26 years ago, when that man in red jersey scored 63 points in this stadium.


fraught [frɔːt] adj. 充滿……的;焦慮的

flashback [ˈflæʃbæk] n. 倒敘;閃回

TD Garden北岸花園球場

拓展:麥迪遜廣場花園 Madison Square Garden (MSG)

斯台普斯球館 Staples Center


In the end, James scored 45 points, 15 rebounds and 5 assists in Boston and gained the victory of that night. Several weeks later, he won the first NBA champion of his career. The King wasenthronedfinally.


enthrone [ɪnˈθroʊn] vt. 使登基;立…為王

拓展:throne n.王位、君主、王權 thorn n. 刺;[植] 荊棘

NO.3 背水一戰 The Last Stand


2016 was the year of Steph Curry and hisunstoppableWarriors.They broke the record of 72 wins in regular season created by Michal Jordan and his Bulls in 1996.How could a team or a man stop this team? When Warriors took the 3:1 lead, even the most optimistic fans may believe that the game is over. But Cavaliers and King James said no. Then here came the story that we are talking so much about.

2016年是是屬於史蒂芬·柯瑞和他那不可阻擋的勇士的一年。他們打破了邁克爾·喬丹他的公牛隊在1996年創造的常規賽72場勝利的紀錄。還能有哪支隊哪個人能阻擋他們啊? 當勇士隊以3:1領先時,即使是最樂觀的球迷也可能會認為系列賽已經結束。 但詹姆士和騎士隊拒絕。而接下來發生的故事則早已家喻戶曉。

unstoppable [ʌnˈstɑːpəbl] adj. 無法阻擋的,無法停止的

近義詞:invincible adj. 無敵的;不能征服的


The Cavaliers won the next three games to become the first team in Finals history to successfully overcome a 1–3 deficit.It was the greatest miracle the NBA final had ever seen. After the final whistle, James hugged the O'Brien Cup tightly,tears flowing from his eyes. He had come a long way experienced so much questioning. But henailed itand keep his oath. “Cleveland, this is for you” What a moving scene.

騎士隊贏得了接下來的三場比賽,成為總決賽歷史上第一支1:3落後還能翻盤成功的球隊。 這是NBA總決賽有史以來最大的奇跡。 終場哨響後,詹姆士緊緊擁抱著奧布萊恩杯,眼中流下激動的淚水。 一路走來,他經歷了太多太多的質疑。 但是他做到了,完成了當年的誓言。 “克里夫蘭,這是給你的。” 多麽動人的場面啊。

nail it 美式俚語 表示做到了



The win by the Cavaliers was the first major professional sports championship won by a team based in Cleveland since 1964, and the first-ever championship won by the Cavaliers franchise, ending the embarrassing record of 52 years without atrophy.Jamespropelledthe Cavaliers to this historic comeback, completing an all-time great Finals performance in which he became the first player in NBA history to lead all players in a playoff series in points, rebounds, assists, steals and blocks.

Undoubtedly, he was named asunanimouswinner of FMVP.



trophy [ˈtroʊfi] n. 獎杯;戰利品;紀念品

unanimous [juˈnænɪməs] adj. 全體一致的;意見一致的;無異議的

propel [prəˈpel] vt. 推進;驅使;激勵 (英語寫作高級詞匯)

例:We must develop industries with local advantages and propel the development of key areas. 積極發展特色的優勢產業,推進重點地帶開發








Enjoy the Process

