


現在的周董生活愜意,沒有了年輕時候的懷才不遇,寫出這樣接地氣的歌詞,也是他真實的心境吧。那本期節目我們結合這道雅思口語話題 “Describe a favorite song of yours.” 來一起描述下周杰倫的新歌吧!

本期節目中的雅思part 2話題

Describe a favorite song of yours

You should say:

What this song is about

When you listened to this song for the first time

How often you listen to this song

And explain why you think it is your favorite


My favorite singer Jay Chou has recently come out with a new song called, in English, If You Don’t Love Me, It’s Fine. The rhythm is melodic and exquisite as always; what’s controversial is that the lyrics have completely subverted the way his fans expected, his lyrics which are usually poetic-like.

Some of his fans have been twittering and saying maybe it’s better to have his lyricist Mr. Vincent Fang write it instead. In a sense, the melodious words and artistic value of the classical poetry are inexhaustible references for pop songs. And that’s what they’ve always been doing as well. But I believe that to have something different now and then is gonna be really fun! We don’t have to be serious all the time. And no matter what, Jay Chou will always be my favorite singer and I’m definitely rooting for his new song.


1. subvert v. 顛覆,推翻

2. melodic adj. 曲調優美的

3. controversial adj. 有爭議的,引起爭議的

4. poetic-likelyrics 如詩一般的歌詞

5. inexhaustible adj. 取之不盡的;用不完的

6. exquisite adj. 細膩的,精妙的

7. in a sense 從某種意義上來說

8. rooting for his new song 支持他的新歌

9. now and then 每隔一段時間,偶爾

