
EDC China Pop-up Store 資訊全公布!


EDC CHINA Pop-up Store




Set your alarm as

EDC China Pop-up Store

March 31st & April 1th


W HOTEL, Shanghai

這將是你與EDC China在嘉年華前,親密接觸談談戀愛的最佳時機。今天送上Pop-up Store完全攻略,解鎖三小時內所有隱藏關卡。

Catch your chance to interact with EDC China and other ravers offline before the official event! Here we present the complete guide to EDC China Pop-up Store.


Pop-up Store又稱“快閃店”、“期間限定店”,把品牌精髓文化和商品,在短時間內通過強烈的視覺效果呈現出來。

Pop-up Store多以藝術畫廊的形式展現商品,或將城市的主流風格帶至偏遠的郊區。但無論出現在哪裡,這些快閃店都經過了別出心裁的精妙設計,呈現出或時尚、或藝術範兒十足的視覺風格,也讓原本市井氣息濃鬱的商業與零售大有不同。

What is Pop-up Store?

Pop-up store, or flash retailing, is a trend of opening short-term sales spaces. A pop-up store is a venue that is temporary: the space could be a sample sale one day and host a private cocktail party the next evening. The trend involves "popping up" one day, then disappearing anywhere from one day to several weeks later. These shops, while small and temporary, are used by companies to build interest in their product or service, and seed their product with cultural influencers. Pop-up retail allows a company to create a unique environment that engages their customers and generates a feeling of relevance and interactivity.




Headliner的精神主張就是PLURPeace(和平)、Love(愛)、Unity(團結)和Respect(尊重)將在pop-up store通過現場布置,淋漓盡致地展現出來。來到現場的你,就像在參加一場edc的預熱派對,現場將有DJ進行演出,被daisy和kandi簇擁著的你,一定能感受到EDC給你的愛。

Experience EDC Culture in Advance of the Festival EDC is a lala land with no prejudice or hatred. The main spirit is PLUR-Peace, Love, Unity and Respect, which will be demonstrated onsite via all the decorations. It is more of a pre-party than a store, with DJ playing and daisy around.

EDC China限量周邊 


10余款EDC CHINA限量周邊將在Pop-up Store首次上架,從穿戴到配飾,每一件商品都為raver量身定做,提前置辦好這些傳遞著EDC精神的專屬裝備,加上你的獨家搭配創意,做人群中獨一無二的那一位

Limited Edition of EDC China Merchandise

More than 10 limited itemsof EDC China Merchandise will be available for sale for the first time at the Pop-up Store. From clothing to accessories, every single item is speically taiored for our ravers. Use a little creativity and get dressed up in EDC spirit-you are sure to be the most outstanding one in the crowd.



What are these? What else? 

Come and find out!




作為台灣知名歌手、DJ、音樂製作人及作曲人,也以 DJ 別名 NICKTHEREAL 聞名,周湯豪的爆棚人氣不但來自逆天顏值,更是全方位的音樂才子。

周湯豪是至今與世界百大 DJ 合作歌曲及參與製作最多的華語歌手,2017年擔任R3hab中國巡演特別嘉賓。最近一張於2016年發行的專輯《REAL》中,周湯豪與世界知名DJ,如Nicky RomeroBassjakcersBorgore以及Ricky Remedy 合作歌曲,因此獲得新生代全方位創作歌手的稱號,也被視為前途看好的電音舞曲製作人及DJ新秀。2015及2016年,周湯豪還曾分別與世界知名DJ Bassjackers及Tommy Trash一同舉辦音樂分享會,交流對音樂創作的想法。

Celebrity Store Manager at Your Service

As one of the most sorted after names in Taiwan, Nick Chou is a singer, DJ, producer and composer. As DJ  NICKTHEREAL, Nick is one of the Chinese singers who has participated with world’s top 100 DJs. 2017 he was the guest for R3hab’s Chinese tour. Moreover, he has collaborated with DJs like Nicky Romero、Bassjakcers、Borgore and Ricky Remedy, and thus seen as a potential DJ star. In 2015 & 2016, Nick co-hosted a Meet&Greet with DJ Bassjackers and Tommy Trash, sharing thoughts on music with each other. This year, Nick was invited to play at EDC China as DJ  NICKTHEREAL, which is another milestone for his DJ career.

4/1 一日店長錦榮

有兩國血統(紐西蘭/新加坡)的錦榮曾獲得CLEO雜誌在新加坡舉行的黃金單身漢評比第一名,同年獲得世界先生“新加坡先生” 冠軍,2013年底,錦榮加盟至郭敬明導演《小時代3:刺金時代》、《小時代4: 靈魂盡頭》,飾演宮洺一角,並憑借這一角色收割粉絲無數。


而現實生活中,錦榮更多是以陽光大男孩的一面示人。4月1日的Pop-up Store裡,你期待遇到一位怎樣的錦榮店長呢?留言告訴我們吧,錦榮會看到的。

Dawson is a mix of New Zealand and Singapore. In 2009, Dawson won for CLEO (Singapore)'s 50 most eligible bachelors of 2009. In 2013, Dawson featured in two of the highest-grossing Chinese films, Tiny Times 3 and Tiny Times 4, which also helped him garnered more popularity in Greater China. From the wild businessman in “Xuanzang”, the cute basketball captain in “My Other Home” to the bad guy in “For a Few Bullets”. Dawson is known for his versatile characters. What do you expect Dawson to be like in the April 1 Pop-up Store? Go ahead and leave a comment! He will see it.







Experience Kandi-Exchanging &Signage-Making with Celebrity Store Managers

We will also have Hank the craft master and FOC魔術方塊引力 the dance music kol come onsite to teach you how to make kandi.

Kandi could be bracelets, necklaces, headbands, cuffs, all made from chunky beads. Pony beads, colorful beads, plushy animals, sometimes have attachments, such as pacifiers. Given away at raves, or elsewhere, by people who live by PLUR. Wonderful forms of friendship and kandi is a great way to create lasting memories.


Unlock the hidden session: The first 30 guests who have bought over 500 RMB worth of merchandise will get the chance to hold hands and exchange kandi with our celebritystore manager.



Signage is a part of the EDC culture. Any elements can be used on the signage to express your attitude. The more unique your signage is, more peers will be attracted by your side.

W Hotel


W Hote位於上海北外灘,作為喜達屋酒店與度假村國際集團旗下酒店,W酒店是聖·瑞吉斯、威斯汀、喜來登等豪華酒店的姊妹品牌。

W 酒店是喜達屋旗下的全球現代奢華時尚生活品牌,其官方的定位是“Lifestye”品牌,業內普遍將其歸類為大型的Boutique hotel路線。激發靈感、創造潮流、大膽創新的 W 酒店在業界影響深遠,為賓客提供終極的入住體驗。

W的住客將在pop-up stpre擁有vip通道,相信raver們將在w擁有一個非常棒的體驗!

W Hotels is a luxury hotel chain owned by Marriott Internationalthat is generally marketed toward a younger crowd than their other upscale properties. As of July 2017, W operates 52 hotels in 25 countries and is continuing to expand both domestically and internationally.

Residents at W Hotel will enjoy the VIP entrance. 



Spend your next weekend at W! Don’t miss out!

