



With the highest rate of cosmetic surgeries in the world and nearly 1 million procedures a year, South Korea is often called the world』s plastic surgery capital.


Some estimates have suggested that around one in three South Korean women between 19 and 29 have had plastic surgery. Others have put that number at 50% or higher.

據估計, 19至29歲韓國女性中,大約三分之一進行過整形手術。還有人估計這個比例可能達到50%,甚至更高。

(Via Business Insider)


South China Morning Post就報導了韓國整形業的一個新趨勢:

▲韓國老年人嘗試整形手術 (Via South China Morning Post)




江南區以整形診所出名 (圖Via Shutterstock)



Kwak In-soo, NAMU』s head surgeon, says the age range of patients coming to his clinic has increased over the years. 「About 15 per cent of my personal patients are 65 and over, while 30 per cent are over 50, I would say.」

NAMU的首席整形醫生Kwak In-soo說,這些年,來他診所的顧客年齡範圍有所擴大。 「我個人接待的患者中約有15%是65歲以上,30%是50歲以上。」

Facelifts are the most common procedures for senior patients, as facial skin loses its vitality with age and begins to sag.


(Via South China Morning Post)

▲Kwak In-soo接受顧客諮詢 (圖Via Handout)

不過,鑒於身體狀況,老年人做整形手術還是面臨一定的風險的。韓國整形外科醫生協會副會長Kwon Sung-il也在江南區開了一家整形醫院。 據他介紹,他接待的顧客中,有70%以上都是老年人,但是,在接受諮詢的時候,他仍然會採取審慎的態度。

「Patients who take medication for high blood pressure or other health concerns need to stop taking medication for at least a week if they want to go ahead with procedures at our clinic,」 explains Kwon. 「But if their health does not allow such a break from medication, we cannot carry out the procedure.」

「如果他們想在我們的診所做整形手術,服用高血壓或其他藥物的患者至少需要停葯一周。」 Kwon解釋說。「但如果他們的健康狀況不允許中斷藥物,我們就無法進行手術。」

(Via South China Morning Post)


▲韓國地鐵裡的整形醫院廣告 (圖Via NPR)

報導分享了一個案例,65歲的Kim Pil-sung一直想做整形手術,猶豫多年後,終於決定去提拉眼周和嘴周的皮膚


「My mother would spend a lot of time at her church with other women her age, and she told me that most of them had some type of procedure done to their face,」 says Lee. 「I even agree; I think about eight out of 10 women over the age of 50 have gone under the knife at one point, nowadays.」

「我媽媽和她的同齡人去教堂,她告訴我,他們中大多數人都做過某種整形手術,」Lee說。 「我認同她的說法,我覺得現在50歲以上的女性中,10個裡面有8個都動過刀子。

(Via South China Morning Post)


「This is a picture of my mother』s face a week after her facial procedure, but you can clearly see that the big blue and black bruises still take up a lot of space,」 explains NAMU』s Lee.


She says a day of recovery after surgery for patients in her mother』s age group feels like 10 days. 「My mother said she would never go under the knife again.

她說,對於她媽媽這個年紀的患者來說,術後恢復期過一天的感覺像是十天。 「我媽媽說她再也不會動刀子了。」

(Via South China Morning Post)


In 2018, South Korea』s senior population – citizens aged 65 and above – represented more than 14 per cent of the population. That makes the country officially an 「ageing society」, according to the United Nations』 definition. The governmental office of Statistics Korea has predicted the senior population will make up 41 per cent of the population by 2060.


(Via South China Morning Post)


Increased life expectancies mean a generational divide has opened up between seniors, separating those aged between 65 and 80 and those aged 80 to 100。


(Via South China Morning Post)

韓國一家老年人諮詢中心的負責人Lee Hosun說,年輕一些的這個群體出生於1950年之前,是國家快速發展帶來的教育、文化和經濟紅利的第一代受益者。

「Since they are used to developing and fine-tuning their life, they have a hard time accepting that they are prone to becoming lethargic in their lives,」 explains Lee. 「I think this period is a renaissance for seniors in our country, who are saying that they can change their lives according to their tastes as they did when they were in their youth.」

「由於他們習慣於開發新生活,很難接受自己容易變得毫無生氣,」Lee說。 「我認為這個時期是我們國家老年人崛起的時機,他們覺得他們可以根據自己的品位改變自己的生活,就像他們年輕時一樣。」

(Via South China Morning Post)



「If plastic surgery is the trend now, I think future generations will adopt a surgery of the mind when they become the seniors of the population,」 Lee says. 「This means that they will naturally accept their physical ageing and realise that a young life is not limited to the physical body but is also related to a person』s social contribution.」

「如果說現在老年人整形手術已經是個趨勢了,我認為未來幾代人的觀念在老了以後會發生變化,」李說。 「也就是說,他們會接受身體的衰老,並且意識到年輕的生命不僅限於身體,而且還與一個人的社會貢獻有關。」

(Via South China Morning Post)


文:South China Morning Post, Business Insider


圖:South China Morning Post, Business Insider, NPR, 網路
