

[–]LovesToSp00n 68 points 6 hours ago

Is it only tampering if a front office or coach speaks to a player? I know that players have discussions about teaming up way before free agency. Draymond was recruiting KD a year before his free agency.


[–]btcle 68 points 6 hours ago

Players are allowed to talk, strategize, collude, or do anything. The tampering rule isn't for restricting players, it makes it so the teams can't discuss players currently under contract. And the tampering rule itself is nearly a joke in it's own right. You have to be very overt to earn the slap on the wrist (Magic).


[–]twistedlogicx[S] 60 points 6 hours ago

It's a slippery slope but if a team is caught systematically poaching through a directed effort with a player, there's no way that's going to slide in any self-respecting pro league. It's one thing for players to try and recruit others in the NBA (like Draymond recruiting Durant) but it's another if there is evidence that the player and team were working together with those designs in mind.


[–]knucklepuck17 785 points 6 hours ago

maybe this is why Hjarnan has yet to be announced to have left/joined another team ?


[–]Fuzzikopf[10] 907 points 5 hours ago

Because G2 needs an ADC in case Perkz gets banned?

That would be so calculated from G2 lol



[–]xXDaNXxFNC/OG fan 300 points 5 hours ago

Ocelote playing 4D backgammon


[–]RazorWinter너 또한 심판받을 것이다!! 81 points 2 hours ago

Gets both top star Mids from your region.

Bans one

Win all mid matchups




[–]I_Am_Black_Jesus [score hidden] 2 hours ago

Jesus that’s actually genius lol


[–]Xinde 89 points 5 hours ago

If that is the case then honestly it is a pretty bad timeline for Hjarnan. He’s locked in contract with G2 and after Perkz is unbanned in summer, Hjarnan will get kicked and be teamless, unless a team is looking for an ADC between splits. Except he will also be competing with Forgiven in that same situation. He basically has almost 0 chance of making worlds unless Perkz just about shits the bed.


